I just learned about a Catalan Christmas Tradition, El Caga Tió.  It is a Catalan log that poops nougats and gifts at Christmas.  Their version of Santa.  Here is how it works.  El Caga Tió is a log with a drawn-on face, a big smile, and a jolly red hat.  During December you feed the log scraps of food and then he poops presents and candies when you hit him with a stick and sing a song!  Here is the song:

Caga tió, (Poop log)
tió de Nadal, (Log of Christmas)
no caguis arengades (Don’t poop salted herring)
que són massa salads (They are too salty)
caga torrons (Poop turróns)
que són més bons! (They are much better!)

After feeding him for weeks, on December 24, a blanket is placed on the non-face end of Tió. Then the singing, and the beating would commence.  The blanket is then lifted, revealing presents and turron or chocolates.  After Christmas, the log is used as firewood.  Love it!  

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