They are very big on recycling here in Spain.  It was not our direct intention when coming here to reduce our carbon footprint, however, it is what happened.   We mostly eat fresh, no processed foods, which minimizes what we throw away.  You would be amazed how much waste is packaging.  

They do not have a trash day where you take your trash cans out to the street.  There are huge multicolored recycling bins everywhere that you deposit your trash when your bins are full.  They are broken down as follows:

  • Gray:    All that cannot be recycled
  • Brown:    Organics (eggshells, fruit/veggies waste, etc.)
  • Green:  Glass (without caps)
  • Yellow:  Plastics/cans (well crushed)
  • Blue:     Paper/Cardboard (folded or well crushed)

We created bins in the apartment where I separate the trash and when full, we take them down to the bins on the street.  Took some getting used to, but we got the hang of it.  You can teach an old dog new tricks.  

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