Spanish time is alive and well in Spain and after three months, we are still adjusting.  Here is the schedule I have sort of figured out – so far….  Most stores don’t open until 10:00-11:00am and then they close around 1:00-2:00pm.  They open again around 5:00pm and close around 8:00pm.  Restaurants are a totally different story.  As for breakfast, I don’t know, we are not up that early anymore (have to love retirement).  They start serving around 1:00pm until 4:00-4:30pm.  If they remain open after 4:30, they will serve you a drink (coffee, wine, beer, etc.) and maybe you can get something sweet, but no food.  They start serving food again around 8:00pm.  Not exactly sure what time they close – we don’t stay up that late.  

Since it doesn’t get dark until 9:30pm the later time schedule makes sense.  We have fallen into the routine of eating our “dinner” or larger meal between 2:00-4:00pm, and then have something light in the evening.  Love me some tapas!!!

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