If we have learned one thing while living here in Spain, it is that we need to accept the way they do things here.  We refer to this as “This is the WAY”.  A direct quote from the Disney show “The Mandalorian”.  The way things are done here doesn’t always make sense, and always requires a dose of patience.  What I have noticed is that the more you accept their backward or archaic ways of doing things and don’t question the motive behind it, the more your frustration level evaporates, and you must laugh, you just can’t help yourself.  They get the job done, eventually. This applies to visa paperwork, apartment rental paperwork, banking, and don’t even get me started about the post office and notary services. 

What started out as a frustration, has turned into laughter and acceptance.  We just turn to each other, say “this is the WAY” and laugh.  At the end of the day, whatever needs to be done, is done.  “It is the WAY”