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The Beginning of a Great Idea

Definition of an Expat…

For some, they hear the word expat (which is short for expatriate) and think that is someone who no longer wants anything to do with the country where there were born. That could not be further from the truth. It simply refers to a person who has moved / relocated from their native country to another country permanently or for an extended period of time to work or retire. As an Expat, you may or may not become a citizen of the country you move to, and you may or may not retain your original citizenship.

For us, we simply want to explore all the world has to offer from a very intimate point of view. Traveling is fun; however, we want more. We want to immerse ourselves in the culture on a daily basis without any thought of when it will be time to leave.

The Beginning of a Great Idea

Where it all began…

Life had followed a very predictable course for many years. You all know the path…. you fall in love, you get married, you buy a house, you have kids, maybe some pets along the way, and then if all goes well, your children leave the nest to start the cycle all over again. That is where I am going to share with you how our life took a left turn and brought us on the journey of a lifetime. 

We were living in a beautiful 3,000 square foot house that sat on top of a hill with beautiful views as far as the eye could see. It was the family home where we raised our kids, grew up, and lived life to the fullest for close to 25 years. Not a bad place to live out your golden years. As wonderful as it was, we were ready for something different. It was a lot of house for 2 people, so we started looking for a smaller house with a different view. After 2 years of looking around and not really finding something, we decided to sell and rent until we found that perfect house for retirement. 

So, all the belongings we had accumulated since the beginning of time were moved into 3 storage units, we sold our beautiful home on the hill and moved into an apartment….